Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Today, I made sushi. Good sushi is so much easier when using sticky rice instead of sushi rice, which is weird given that they're supposed to be the same thing. I think I once bought a bag of sushi rice which was white rice with an inaccurate label and a higher price tag.

The rice is mixed with furikake and a dash of mirin, and filled with marinated tofu, rolled omlette and cucumber, and cucumber, for each of the three rolls in this box. I used half a roll of each for the lunchbox, and had the other halves for breakfast, split with E.

Also included: egg sheet rolled around cucumber, and miniature bell peppers stuffed with cheese and egg/cucumber, respectively.

Bonus: here's what I had for lunch, after I sent A off with her lunch and watched some sliders:

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